"We stay here" photo project uplifts staff
May 21, 2020
Members of our hospitality team at Banff Mineral Springs Hospital wanted to encourage people to stay safe, so they created a photo collage of themselves holding up the words "We stay here for you. Please stay home for us.”
While there’s been an easing of restrictions, we still need to be careful moving about in the community. The Banff team is reminding us to limit our activities outside the home and to stay at home as much as possible.
The photo project has been a source of pride for staff, says hospitality services manager Linda Calabrese. “With COVID-19 there has been extra work, but people are very upbeat, and they're doing a tremendous job of keeping everything going.”
The project, which included laundry workers, housekeepers, cooks and food services workers, is part of a larger campaign by hospital staff to lift each other up. Linda plans to do another collage with other staff members from the hospitality team as part of the hospital's morale-boosting campaign.